A new aged game that you just gotta try.
User Rating: 10 | Katamari Damacy PS2
Looking at the title you would expect next to nothing from a game like this, but in actuality this game turned out to be simply amazing. The game play is revolutionary and new, the object of the game is to roll objects of the world into the Katamari. The King of the Cosmos had accidentally destroyed all the stars in the sky and it is now the Prince's job to roll up new things in the Katamari to create new stars. The game is made for different paces depending on your skill, the more things you collect the bigger your Katamari becomes, and then you can roll up even bigger objects, the games graphics are decent to along with the music. The music is Japanese but its catchy and it does grow on you after a while, the game play can get a little repetitive but the gimmicks they throw in there keep it from getting to stale. If you have'nt tried this game you definitely have to because it is unique and there is not other game quite like it, if your not into trying new things, just go and rent it because you might like it if you give it a chance. Overall, this game is different and fun to play, if you don't own this game then go out and buy it because you have really been missing out.