A good-looking puzzle game with some exploration and story elements. However, the voice acting stinks, quite frankly.
Keepsake is fun to play if you like the exploration and puzzle games out there. This is not for the bloodthirsty action-hungry crowd, however. The puzzles are reminiscent of the ones found in games like MYST.
Graphics 8
Keepsake looks good and has some nice effects such as flowing water and wind-blown tree foliage. The graphics are not amazing though, but at least Keepsake will run on your older computer sysytem (within the required system specifications of course!).
Sound 4
Occasionally, Keepsake feels hollow or empty with regard to sound quality. As for the voice acting, Keepsake does not do well. The writing is poor, but the voices and the quality of acting is very poor. The music in Keepsake is not bad, though sparse.
Value 6
Keepsake is worth picking up if you see it in the bargain bin. It is a slower-paced game with no real action or violence--a good rainy day game. For those who enjoy a little exploration and a lot of puzzles, Keepsake may be just right.
Tilt 6
The poor script and quite poor voice acting ruin the immersion this game attempts to create. The story is quite linear, but that isn't always a bad thing. That being said, Keepsake is nothing fantastic, but does a have a particular 'feel' to it that will keep curious players engaged and puzzle fans playing.