One of those oldies but goodies
Gameplay: Not ralistic but captivating. The fielders ran 10x faster than the baserunners and when you pitched the ball you could control it until it crossed over homeplate. This may seem odd to some and a bit riskE but the elements added to the game really made it memorable.
Graphics: Above average for SNES. You could see clearly everything that transpired, from the fielding to the batting. All frame-rate ran the same so it never gets jumpy on you and sense it is a carterage game there is no loading in the game.
Sound: Fun! You can here the umpire call balls and strikes in a stressed fashion. ALso, the batters, fielders... make lots of noises throughout the play of the game (my favorite is when the fielders run over the runners). Not too bad of a soundtrack as well. No songs with lyrics but catchy jingles liek the songs in Mario.
Value: Many other baseball games out there. In that stance, this game does not have much to offer except it is sort of a fantasy game in the Blitz sense. There is nothing too realistic about the game besides it is baseball but the way the makers took the game and twisted it really makes it something spectacular.
Reviewer's Tilt: Not a hit. It seems like the game was a good one to have but it never really took off like many other games for the SNES.
Recommendation: This game was more fun for its time then what it would be now. Most likely, if I play it again, it will only be fun for the memories so I don't recommend buying this game.