This game is way underappreciated, it wasn't...great, but it wasn't bad either, besides, it was a PUZZLE GAME, you can't expect much of it, especially for it's time. It actually had some story in it, the usual princess rescuing that could be found in a lot of the game of the era, basically you freeze enemies and bash 'em into eachother, solving puzzles with 'em. I played this game a lot when i was little, good brain exercise for kiddies, not as challenging or unique as Tetris, it's still an underappreciated puzzle game.
Final Verdict: Underappreciated brain ezercise, if repetitive, still great in it's own way...
Kickle is a one of those overlooked Nes classics. Kickle is a puzzle game where you the player are supposed to collect 3 of a certain item on each game board by using the objects or enemies around you. Kickle has two mai... Read Full Review
You are Kickle... a pudgy snow white little kid who for some reason has magical powers to blow ice and snow around and save the Fantasy Kingdom. Yea... anyways, you visit 4 different levels based on vegetables, fruit, ca... Read Full Review