Like a challenge, play Kid Chameleon!

User Rating: 9 | Kid Chameleon GEN
Excellent game and to this day its still my favourite platformer of all time. I completed it a couple of times back in the day, damn good challenge.

8 different transformations each with their own unique moves to help you through the levels. tons of levels and lots of different paths through the game make it physically impossible to complete every level in the game in one sitting.

one of my favourite things about it was the cool secret warps and hidden blocks strewn throughout the game.

i used to play this alot on the cartridge but these days i still play the rom from time to time, if you like platform games i highly recommend this.

Hate to be a cocky bastard but i'd say i know everything about this game, even the secret warps on 'Isle of the Lion lord', 'Hoverboard Beach', 'Blue Lake Woods II' and 'Under Skull Mountain I'

wanna know anything just ask me ;)