Kid Icarus: Uprising was a Highly anticipated game after 25 years of no sequel to the original NES Classic.
User Rating: 10 | Kid Icarus: Uprising 3DS
Unbelievable. As a child I used to play Kid Icarus and then I forgot about it until I bought a 3DS. I looked into the eShop and there was a downloadable video of- Kid Icarus: Uprising. I was amazed! Speechless! It was GREAT! So as I waited, The game was near release. My sister and I made a (Unimportant) Deal to buy Kid Icarus. So on Wednesday before release, I went to GameStopto Pre-Order. Thursday, I was sick from school. Friday, Already waiting for school to end! Finally, We went back to GameStop to pick up my PRE-ORDERED COPY OF KID ICARUS UPRISING! (As well as an employee StreetPass.) Now for the real game reviewing. After 25 years of wait. Kid Icarus: Uprising Takes Mythology to a WHOLE new level. Whether having to go through Air Battles filled with enemies and treacherous passages. Or running across land to find the next boss. This game is ultimate on either course. And also when re-visiting any level (Or beginning of most levels), You may increase the difficulty level of your liking Via "The Fiend's Cauldron." You may go from 2.0 to 9.0 or 1.0. The higher the difficulty, the more goodies and passages there are for you to find! I'd give this game a shot in your "collection." A True -Must Have-