can the gameplay make a mends for the out-of-date graphics?

User Rating: 9.3 | kill.switch PS2

Yea sure the graphics are a little tacky, but their not that bad, but the general gameplay is the best thing about this game, its actually probably the best 3rd person shooter gameplay ive ever come across.

The control layout is simple which adds to the fun of the gameplay. I know what your asking yourself now, whats so dam good about the game play, well i just dont know, theres something about it that is just good. Whether its the ability to use almost any object as cover or just the general killing this game rocks and should be bought by any 3rd peson shooter fan.

the sound is good in the game, although some of the music during the gameplay isnt exactly to my taste, but its not bad.

The graphics is the worst thing about the game, their not terrible, but ive seen much better on the ps2.

Overall this is a dam good shooting game which is now very cheap and is worth evry penny/dime.