This game has some really good ideas and the gameplay is fun, but the story can get really thin at times

User Rating: 8 | kill.switch PS2
This game is about a guy, that you don't know his name or anything about him, that is being controlled through a video game controller by The Controller and his boss: Archer. You go from mission to mission doing terrorist acts to cause a new war so Archer, and by terrorist acts I mean killing everyone in you path and exploding a base and running like hell to get out before it explodes. After every mission you get to see the same cutscene over and over but 5 seconds is added on to it every time. This made me want to continue in the game because sometimes they left it with a really good cliff hanger but most of the it was just someone say hello or you looking left which was really disappointing at times.
O.K. enough with the story cause if I continue to talk about any more I will spoil this thin story all ready.
The gameplay is gears of war type where you hide behind cover pop out, kill a lot of people and hide again. Gears of war took this gameplay and added a few driving missions, better story, and the c.o.g. tags. This game is the first to have this type of cover system and was very innovative at the time. The gameplay had a different type of health bar too where when you get shoot you lose a half you health bar but a quarter of it will heal if you hide behind cover, kind of like halo but since you don't regain all of your health you have to find health packs along the way. The enemies get cheap hard latter in the game so they have better guns, better accuracy, and they have cheap shoots where you get out of cover for a second and lose almost all of your health. At one point in the game some of them have rocket launcher that can kill you through your cover. The game is fun though is this is the shine of the game.
This game is short only 7 hours of game play but if you count all of the gameplay where you die of cheap hits and had to start over it is 8 hours. But since you can find it for 8 dollars today it is worth the price.
-thin story
-cheap kills at the end
-ends on the note of a sequel but there never is one
-Cover system is fun
-good level design
-has a good but very thin story
-the A.I. is good
8.0 is worth your money