well this game should have bin a movie, thats for sure.
the story is that you are soldier, working for an elite mercerie company and betrayed.
Military hardware runs trough your brain making you no more then a avatar of the "Controller"... just like a video game ur controlled by a PC and Player.
"how typical , war at the touch of a button"-game quote
Well the story starts with a trainging where a nifty intro shows you being loaded up.. "say my name"....
The game REALY starts of in a desert city where some how, there is not a living soul, couch , sounds or even a normaly decorated room, but what there is... is good.
gaurds that are stupid, who point there guns at comrads ( funny conversation in the first mission ).
head on in and say HERE IS JONNY and what better what better whay then to trow a flash run and gun a few man down roll beind a pillar and see the bullets fly around you, duck away from the pillar and open a short burst and kill a man, roll to the corner and flash/clear a room...
well ull be doing that a long long long time ... sigh, there is not much game play differnts, only 1 mission where u get to do more diffrant things then run and gun...
place c4, snipe 2 guys before beying forced back to run and gun, and run the gaunlet trying to escape.
Well i had a blast , but thats it ... a blast, its way way to short, 5 missions wich is 4 or 5 chapters, each missions shows a last memory wich allows u to over come being controlled.... but .. guess ??? yep ..a blast, the whole story is blurry yet direct, u steal a nuke, start a war and that way controller and friends get mighty rich selling mindless Gun man ... kinda like universal soldier...hmmm.
to bad the game play was used in a game to short, to cheap, to flashy, a longer campaing, more inovating missions, more weapons and baddy, maby even a a co-op and a good multie player or 2 player game would have made it a great game. To bad hip games, try try again ... no realy try again and do better !
Well this should have been a 5 million dollar action flick cause the way it goes could make a good action movie for sure.