Kill Switch was an interesting game.It was fun killing a whole bunch of people by yourself.This game was also fun because it was challenging because it is not that easy.You are going to die many times to beat the story mode.The steath you could do in this game was good, you could sneakup on people and gun them down.I think the game had a good story, nice levels and the weapons was good to but I hated the graphics.If this game had more clearer levels this game would have been perfect. It was fun killing everybody by yourself but it would have been better if you had some soldiers or people on your side in the story mode. You should rent this game before buying it.This game might and might not appeal to some people but you should at least try it out first.
Gears of War is a game that was clearly inspired by kill.switch. It's a fun third person shooter with some interesting gameplay, but it's a short ride. The plot is sort of half-assed, and I don't really understand it,... Read Full Review
Released in 2003, kill.switch gained instant recognition for it's cool cover system, which was pretty new at the time. It also managed to squander that recognition with stale gameplay, uninspired writing and just an over... Read Full Review