Take Cover, Take Aim, Take Over then Take it straight back to where ever you got it. ACTION PACKED!! Crap

User Rating: 7 | kill.switch PS2
kill.switch has loads and loads of action, but nothing else.
Your playing it thinking 'WOW the bad guys are everywhere and im killing them all' and then you can think 'what the hell is going on, this game is dreadful'.

The game is a good rental, But you shouldnt buy it.

Gamplay is good, and the controls are good to.

Graphics are not very good but then again so is the game.

Generally, games fall into three categories. There are games that are hard but short, games that are easy but long, and then there’re games that are easy and short. The first two types I love (along with the rarely seen hard and long game). It’s the third type, easy and short, which bugs me, alot like this game.