Don't buy this. I bought this in China for 10 yen, which is $1.25 American. I played it. The first mission is a training mission that you run around and shoot things. In one of the real missions, the whole point of the entire game is to "take cover." Which really ruins it. Think about it, how the heck is someone supposed to shoot someone on the other side of the brick wall if he can't see him? That's bull. The weapon sounds suck. The M4 sounds like a pump shotgun. Without the pumping. The physics are almost non-existant. There are no objects able to be picked up. And you can't even change the controls! Who the hell uses TAB to throw grenades? All I can say is, don't buy this. Even if it costs 10 yen. Do you know what you can buy with that? (Tons of food)
Kill.Switch is a cool Action shooter with no thinking or puzzles. Just shooting! I live such game where you just need to press ‘w’ and aim a little and shoot a lot! Kill.Switch is one of those. Just killing around! ... Read Full Review
This game is the worst $4.60 I have ever spent this game is fugly Fuggin ugly this once the dude wants to look like snake look at the costume i dont wanna think aboot this waste of my $5 horrible i wanna cry but ... Read Full Review