Is it good? Yes. Better than Street Fighter II? HELL NO!

User Rating: 8.4 | Killer Instinct SNES
Killer Instinct for the SNES really tried to knock down Street Fighter II of its throne, but it didn't succeed... Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad game. Not bad at all, but when you're used to playing Street Fighter II it just misses the simple-but-fun-aspect. There's a good amount of characters available with each its own moves and combo's. My personal favorite was Cinder. He looks very cool and it's easy to make a good combo with him. But there's rest of the cast isn't bad either! The game really looks great, but that's what you expect with a game from Rare. The different stages look great and are very detailled. The SFX sound very good. The music sounds perfect. Rare really made an effort into compiling a good soundtrack. Killer Instinct is a great beat-em-up, but when you're considering this one and you haven't played Street Fighter II yet, try that one first!