User Rating: 8.5 | Killer Instinct SNES
now killer instinct is really cool now the very first thing i want to talk about is how its alike to mortal kombat the animation the fatalities
but theres one thing that is so not like mortal kombat ultra combos! its so cool the games not fast paced but its still has ultra combos they go so fast. man now nintendo does what genisis dont it showed that you dont need blast prossceing to be fast. the down side is the characters they have retarted names like combo or jago its wierd o wait spinal man.cant they have cool names like scorpion or sub zero but it dosent bother me that much. the only thing that bothers me is the diffuculty and ill let you try that out yourself another cool it came out on my birthday august first! i reccomend mortal kombat four and three if you want more of a thrill next victims will be... test drive four ctr crash team racing and mario and luigi superstar saga untill then see you next time fan mail goes to vallee.8198@gmail.com send request for games or if you want to talk about games email me warning no bad emails