The game inroduced a automated combo system wich was a breath of fresh air and gave those button mashing whores a challenge lol. It wasnt really a game you can pick up and play straight away it required a few hours to get use to and a crap load more hours to learn all the massive combos. When you do learn them you'll be pulling of massive combos and massive damage.
The game did have a fatality system in the game like mortal kombat (a sequence of certain button presses resulted in a grusome death) but who wanted to do those. Thats one of the options the other is a ultra combo wich was the finishing move of choice by everyone i guess. There was nothing more satisfying then beating you oppent senseless with a 40 hit combo.
This was a must by game for its time and probably still is if you own a SNES or are willing to pay for a gaming cabinet. This is still addictive and still to this day has a Huge Fanbase hopefully some day in the future RARE will make another addition to the series on the Next Generation of consoles.