The most unique Quentin Tarantino-like game. The story is so bizarre that this will make you think of what is going on.

User Rating: 9.6 | Killer7 GC
The whole game reminds me of a Quentin Tarantino movie. The weird plots in the game and all the violence and blood makes it like a Quentin movie. I am not kidding, the whole plot is really strange. There are these 7 Smith Personalities in the game you control and take out the Smiles and solve puzzles. The game seems limited by the control, but still fun to play and the story makes you interested to go farther in the game. I recommend anyone to either Buy or rent this game to check it out.

The game I think does deserve a Sequel to it. Hopefully the sequel could clear up the whole story to it or something. Maybe the control could be better with the other players who hated them. Who knows what will happen in the next game.