not for everyone, but worth playing if you like games with unique gameplay, intricate storylines and style to spare
gameplay-too many people reefer to this as a rail shooter. while the movement is streamlined, you still control where the character goes. it's no more linear than any other action title. what may be a turn off to some is the basic mechanics of running around in 3rd person and then jumping to 1st person when you hear the laugh of a mostly invisible enemy. at this point, you have to press the scan button to see the enemy and then shoot it's limbs off or hit it in a secret sweet spot (visible on easy). it takes a little time to get used to, but when you do it works very well. also the laughing and scanning elements add a creepy tension. i also have to mention the multiple personality aspect of the game. there are six personalities that you can change at almost any point in the game (a seventh is used for resurrecting fallen personalities and for special circumstances). each character has a different strength and speed level (which are upgradeable) and unique skills. unfortunately this is better in theory than execution, as you will likely just use one or two characters through the entire game save where a specific character is needed to solve a puzzle.
graphics-killer 7 is presented in a distinct, stylized cell shading that will only add to the polarizing effect the game has. don't mistake this for windwaker; the animation style accompanies the mature nature of the game quite well.
sound-the voice acting is solid and the score is one of the best in recent memory. but what stands out most are the various sound effects: the manic laughs of the heaven smile, the guitar riffs that signal puzzles, and my favorite, the distorted babbling of the ghosts that help you along your way.
value-the game has a good length, spread across two discs. after beating it, you unlock killer 8 mode, which isn't much in and of itself. but the game is enough fun to play multiple times. also a second visit would help the player further understand the complex story. normally i would advise renting it first, but this game can be found very cheap. you should have no problem finding it under $10. well worth it.
tilt-i love this game. i can't think of anything that i didn't like about it. it's a shame it didn't do better (even on the ps2). i'm highly anticipating suda 51's next game, no more heroes