weird in a good way...

User Rating: 9.5 | Killer7 GC
liller 7 is the weirdest game probably in the world. the controls weid. the audio weird. the story weird. and killer 7 is just all around weird.
killer 7 is game about a group of assasins or just posibly one who knows. anywho they are lead by harman smith or are harmans smiths multypersinality it is just weird. the gameplay in this game is easy but weird like i said. u have practilly no control over your charecter. u press and hold one button and u move u can turn at certain places but that is about it. when u take aim it goes into fps (first person) this a good way for presision aiming. the ai in this game is probably the worst ai ever. they are easy to take out and probably ownly put up a fight when they are grouped together. y is this well each ai has a weak spot and if u shoot them there then they die one hit kill opretty pethetic. there are some puzzles placed here and there in killer 7 but they are just there to give u a breather. this game is long about 20 hours for an average player so get ready for an adventure. in the end this game is fun long easy at some parts and all around great.