Beautiful presentation. Nothing new, but extremely well executed.

User Rating: 8.5 | Killzone 2 PS3

"We will unleash such terrible vengeance, that generations yet unborn, will cry out in anguish" - Visari

Right from the opening sequence, you know Killzone 2 is going to be epic. A high budget block buster with all the bells and whistles.

Killzone 2 looks amazing. Without competition the best looking console game I've ever seen. Motion blur, depth of field, lighting, textures, animations and set designs are all best in class. Cinematic direction is also up there with the best in games and film. Edge of your seat action sequences, great actors and well portrayed characters (Particularly the villain's).

The only thing missing from the Killzone 2 formula is an inspiring plot. The story is actually pretty much Hollywood summer blockbuster B-grade action flick, but don't let this deter you. The story adequately matches the game-play and is enough to swiftly (and coherently) carry you from one epic battle to the next – but still room for improvement.

The thing that really makes Killzone 2 is the game play. As first person shooters go, Killzone 2 feels good to play. From duck-and-cover, to sprinting across the battle field, to looking down the sights of your cannon, Killzone 2 feels just right. Killzone 2 is actually a little bit slower (from a movement perspective) then most fps, and I'm sure that will annoy some players, but I think it gives weight and reality to the hulking space marine that you are.

The single player campaign takes around 8 hours to get through, but every minute is awesome eye candy.

Once you are through the single player game, you will likely hit the servers for some multi-player action. This is where Killzone really get's good. Levels are diverse, large and well balanced. As per many FPS these days, it's like some hybrid RPG where you get experience points, upgrade your character, and get new weapons and perks. Good news is you never feel out gunned. Even when some dude in a cloaking suit jumps you, you can head shot him out of existence.

Killzone 2 is well worth the money if futuristic shooters take your fancy - Especially now that it's platinum.