Killzone 2 sets new standards for graphics to go along with solid gameplay.
There is rarely any option to stray from the linear path and while the combat is enjoyable to the end there where times when a bit more freedom in deciding how to approach certain situations would have been appreciated. While the environments change the gameplay generally stays the same - charge into the battle, take cover, wipe out the Helghast then move on. There are a few exceptions, such as operating a tank, shooting down aircraft and a very fun level using a Mech, and a bit more of these would have been welcome. Some may dislike Killzone 2 due to the fact it does nothing overtly new for the genre. However throughout the course of the game it does nothing blatantly wrong either.
GRAPHICS (9.5) - No doubt about it, Killzone 2's incredible visuals make it one of the most immersive shooters available. The level or detail is staggering, from the sweeping vistas to the crumbling rubble of the battlefields, Killzone 2's world feels fully organic, with no corner left undetailed. The shower of stray bullets pepper concrete walls, chipping off bits of plaster as the flashing gun nozzles cast detailed shadows on the surrounding scenery. There is an incredibly dirty, gritty, lived in feel to everything that only attention to detail can provide. Admittedly most of the battlegrounds aren't very inspired as far as having a huge variety, but this adds to the dreary, oppressive world of the Helghast.
Character animation is a marvel to behold, with characters reacting realistically to every shot they take, and facial animations that suggest true emotion. It's a shame that there's barely any difference in the types of Helghast soldiers. Some run faster than others, charging with a knife and wearing a cap instead of a helmet, looking like a World War 2 era Russian soldier. But otherwise most of the game will be spent shooting near-indistinguishable, orange-eyed enemies. Special mention must go to the phenomenal weapon models that look outright real, even during reloading animations. The game also runs smooth despite an incredible amount of action that can be happening at once.
AUDIO (8.5) - Killzone 2 will make excellent use of a surround sound system. Directional sound effects will come in from all angles, placing the player in the middle of the battlefield. The sound of explosions, anti-aircraft fire, guns and soldiers' screams fills one's head during frantic firefights. Voice acting is also very solid throughout the game, though at times the profanity gets excessive to the point of being ridiculous. The voices of the Helghast are great to listen to, sounding like a cross between Darth Vader and Pinhead from the Hellraiser movies. The leader of the Helghast, Visari, was voiced by the great Brian Cox who gives a chilling performance. The audio experience is topped off by a superb orchestral soundtrack that punctuates the action, lending even more urgency to the task at hand.
VALUE (8.5) - The single player campaign is not a long one, it should take most players eight hours or less to complete. Surprisingly there is no co-op mode available, a real rarity in today's shooters. It does have a very popular selection of multiplayer games in which up to 32 players can join in. While the modes are typical such as deathmatch and CTF, Killzone 2's unique touch comes from the ability to combine the skills of different class types to create an individual class of soldier. So combining a Scout's stealthy cloaking ability with the Saboteur's proximity mines could create a lethal undercover killer. There are also Medics, heavy-gunner Assault soldiers, the classic sniper Scout, and sentry bot-making mechanics to choose from, giving plenty of strategic freedom.
SUMMARY - I've not mentioned the story in Killzone 2 because honestly it's not that important. I never played the original KZ but it was relatively easy to figure out what was going on and why I was part of an army that was invading this planet. It is certainly serviceable, and propels the action from location to location adequately, but there is nothing at all memorable about it. Killzone 2 is not innovative but that's not what was intended. The technical achievements raise the bar for the genre and the combat will keep anyone on the edge of their seat. While Killzone 2 isn't the best FPS out there it is certainly one of the best PS3-exclusives available and should provide a fun experience for any fans of the genre.