I bought this game reluctantly and now its my favorite game on the PS3 console.
User Rating: 10 | Killzone 2 PS3
Killzone 2 is an immersive sci-fi first person shooter. The story is rather shallow but straight forward enough so that you're never confused. The graphics are the best I have seen on the PS3 so far. The colors are bleak and beautiful and really sets a unique tone for the planet Helghan. At first, i absolutely hated the controls. I found myself wondering why the hell is it so hard to aim?! Then I realized that this wasn't just another run of the mill shooters. I love the controls now because they add to the realism of the game. Shooting an enemy is really satisfying, not to mention the guns feel great and are quite distinctive. Don't expect to run out of cover and raise hell; you'll die. Each environment was crafted perfectly. The only negative I can think of is that the last level was a bit too strenuous.
Beautiful, immersive environment
Realistic controls
Awesome enemies and AI.
Last level kicked me around a bit.