I'm not biased, this textbox says so.

User Rating: 10 | Killzone 2 PS3
Killzone 2 is the greatest game ever made. Sure, it could be easy to say that the story is extremely bare bones, and told poorly through the use of if-ish voice action and boring cutscenes, and one could even say that the campaigns only saving grace is its exhilirating action, but anyone who says that is a stupid idiot moron, and they play gaylo, and queers of war, and they live in their parents basement, and theyre probably a virgin.

Killzone 2 has the most revolutionary online play of all time. I know it seems like a carbon copy of Call of Duty 4's multiplayer, which is a near carbon copy of Battlefield's multiplayer, and calling it a copy of a stellar multiplayer would in itself be a great compliment, but if you're like me than its easy to see that Killzone 2 is nothing like those games, even though its exactly like them (which would, once again, be good.)

I swear I'm not biased, and if you think I am then you are an idiot, and I hate you, and you're gay, and you deserve to die. Because I'm the smartest gamer in the world and I've played every game on earth, that's why I'm not biased. Even though every single human being on the face of this planet is biased in some way, I'm not, because I said so.

Seriously though, Here's the real review.

Killzone 2 isn't revolutionary, it isn't perfect, and it sure as hell isn't better than it's competition. However, KZ2 has plenty of awesome aspects that finally give the Killzone franchise a leg to stand on.

The gameplay of KZ2 is where it shines brightest. The game features a unique FPS cover system. By holding down the left shoudler button, your character grabs onto the nearest wall or crate, but, and this is a minor but, cover isn't always usefull. There are times during the gameplay that your enemy will shoot you as if you were standing in the open. This doesn't happen constantly, but it happens often enough to get annoying. The guns of Killzone 2 are great. They are all fun to shoot (except for the grenade launcher. It kinda sucks.) and all have a great feel to them. Using the sniper rifle can be a bit tricky though. Once you get the hang of the games controls, almost every gun will be easy to use. Adding to the enjoyment of the excellent gameplay are the most gorgeous visuals ever on a console shooter. The game is filled with beautiful particle effects, and wonderous lighting, but the shadows can get a little bad at times, and clipping can become a problem. Still, these few blemishes aside, KZ2 is a perfect visual package.

Here's where the negatives shine through. Killzone 2 has a boring story. Not that it's bad, but the story isn't very good. The characters are shallow, extremely stock, and no emotional attatchment can be created with any of them. The vocie acting is mostly to blame for this. THe vocie acting is never, ever, not once in the entire game, good in any way. It's overdone, poorly written, and horribly delivered, except for Visari. He's awesome. You'd think with a game about invading the Helghast homeworld the story would be better, but it just isn't. Compared to the stories of FPS like Half-life and Halo, Killzone 2 falls way too short.

Now the multiplayer is another grand aspect of KZ2. It is entirely unoriginal in every concievable way, but it is fun as hell. The upgrade system is only outdone by the massive 32 player batlles. The multiplayer is hectic, crazy, and exhilarating. It will hook you in and won't let go.

Killzone 2 isn't perfect, but it is awesome. It doesn't crush the competion, and it doesn't live up to its enormous mountains of hype, but it comes really close. Killzone 2 gets a well deserved 9.2 out of 10.