Shooter Game Great Fun Killzone 2 Ps3
Good points:Many weapons,Awesome multiplayer,Fantastic graphics,Skirmish mode
Bad points:Not many missions,Cutscenes could have been way better,Should be able to choose your save points
Overall this game rocks all reviews will give you bad points about a game it doesn't mean the game sucks I'm real happy to have this game its still really fun & enjoyable I hope you have this game because if you don't you I hope your getting it soon this game is worth more then the money you pay for it.
There's a point where game starts to feel the same like any other first person shooter game on the market some feel alike but Killzone 2 stands out its a game that shocked me when I brought it I thought because it was a bit overrated it wouldn't be that great but now I have played Killzone 2 I can't wait for Killzone 3 in 2011