Killzone 2 is a must buy for any fps lover, this game is not the best game ever but its just a game everyone has to experience atleast one time. The games story is were im going to start first...Its a decent story you know your typical war story someone attactks us we win they retreat we attack them blah blah blah. However what happens during the story is pretty "nifty".The gameplay is down right amazing i mean it is so much fun to shoot and kill hellghasts in this game because of the revolutionary graphics and the amazing physics in this game.The guns.. great they all have a very nice sense of power to them, i just wish there were more but oh well :). voice acting is great i just wish that your squad mates did'nt yell 24/7 lol. Controls are great when you move around you get a feeling of heaviness which i love, ofcourse you can change that feeling by increasing the sensativity if you feel like you hate it for some odd reason.
Bottom line if you love fps and love them with amazing graphics and gameplay this game is for you :). I still think they shouldhave re-released killzone 1 remasterd for the ps3 before killzone 2 came out but hey what can ya do... wasn't that much story to the first one anyway.
Killzone 2 was hyped up to be Sony's Halo killer and with all this hype the genius minds at Guerilla had to make sure that Killzone 2 didn't disappoint. Now the question is, did it live up to the hype to be the Halo kill... Read Full Review
GAMEPLAY (8.5) - Killzone 2 plays like essentially any other first person shooter you might have previously played, especially the Call of Duty series. Killzone 2 requires you to make use of cover, while popping out to p... Read Full Review