Review of Killzone 2
The multiplayer is also a strong part of the game. There are many modes like the standard team deathmatch, which is called BodyCount; a mode called Assassination where on team is given the task of assassinating a random member of the opposing team while the other team has to protect the player; Capture and Hold is a mode where the team stays in one area for a while to capture it, in the process the team who captures the most areas get the most points and win the round; then there is Search and Destroy where a team is given the task of blowing up an object to get the points while the other team protects the object. The last mode to play is called Search and Retrieve, which plays a lot like capture the flag, on this mode you have to pick up a radio and carry it over to the opposite base to get the points while the other team does the same thing to get the points. There is a cool feature that is on the multiplayer where each round is one of these modes and when you compete the round it will change to a different mode all in the same match, this helps make the multiplayer fresh and different.
The controls on the game are different and take some getting used to, but they work well when you get the feel for the controls. The reason the controls feel different is because the guns have weight to them. You cannot simply turn quickly like on most FPSs. There is a cover system on the game for when you are standing behind a low wall you press L2( with default setting) and you get into a cover position when you are still in first person. The sound for the game is standard to any first person shooters it has been done better on other games. The voice acting is done poorly though, where it sounds like the voice actors are reading directly off the script.
Over all Killzone 2 is a great game that should be played, it may have a Campaign that is cliche and decent at best, but the multiplayer is well balanced and always feel new. If you plan on getting this game for just the campaign then get another game, but if you are going to play it online then it is a high recommendation.