Can you kill 2 birds with 1 stone?
All this hype for over 4 years of waiting for such a visually stunning graphical shooter.
It's been a long time that I have been waiting for a game that will destroy the video game franchise and set a new dimension in video gaming.
Okay, at first i will list the good/bad aspects:
The Good:
- Great fast paced multi-player with over 30 gamers in one match. 60 might be too much, but 30 is just about right to avoid the server being over flooded with players.
- No lags whatsoever during on-line matches, no matter how many players there are in a match.
- Amazing set of weapons. Te guns are varied along the story mode and always give us an opportunity to experience the tremendously powerful firepower on an enemy vehicle or an enemy it self.
- The action is always varied throughout the story mode and never appears to have long pauses like the mission briefings in MGS4 (Wicked game!).
- The cover system is useful and gives us a chance to survive an enemy attack and place some accurate head shots!
- The game stays always challenging which basically means that it doesn't happen that you just get stuck in one act killing the same enemies.
The Bad:
- No Cover System in the multi-player.
- The story is very vague and lacks in depth unlike MGS4 (Sorry if i have to compare but MGS has a great story). The only thing we know is that we're killing Helghast for some weird reason.
- No Vehicles in the multi-player
What else to say?? Great Game!