I played the game now for some time and I like it , but I have to say it there is some downsides too .
Ok Im going to start with the down sides .
First , the stupid AI (the friendly AI), I got killed a lot of times because Mr. good guy can't get in cover , and some times I fight alone !!!! , where is he ? He is waiting some place else !!! , and I kill most of them , so why is he with me ?
and why u can heal ur friends , but the don't heal u !!!
Second , the story is .... (Nothing) ,and this is the most disappointing thing really, what I mean is its not like gta or mgs4 , but even with the bad story u get addicted to play it for killing XD .
Third , the game lags when its saving , its OK , but I noticed that the first time I played the game , and I noticed that there is a lot of dark places , so u will need a flash light , and u can use the guns that has the night vision , but I would prefer if there is flash light .
Ok enough of badsides , now for the goodies of the game .
1-The graphics is really good , the best on ps3 I think, the details is really good they didn't leave anything out , Im shocked !!! How can the ps3 run it !!! .
2- The control is really good too , I liked the sixaxis thing , and weapons acts well too .
3-And , u actually can play music while playing !!! .
4- Sound is awesome , u can hear the guns go mad wooooo .
5- The online is awesome and there isnt alot of lag .
Ok now IM going to rate it .
Graphics , 10.0 .
Gameplay, 9.0 .
Online,9.5 .
story, 8.0 .
And the overall rating is 9.0+ , it would give it a lot more if it wasn't for the story and the stupid friendly AI , and don't tell me I was harsh on the game , because mistakes like this kills the game , but I hope they improve it by updates (for the AI ).