I only played 3 levels of this game. I'm enjoying it so far. Looks great. I even traded Gears of war 2 for this and so far its doing better. I don't have to much gripe about this game besides the control set up. I'm having a huge difficulty just getting use to them. Yes i've gone through the different set ups and the one i feel most comfortable with is alternate 2 but then your stuck with the cover and zoom on the L1 and L2 buttons and that doesn't work to well using one finger. I think the control scheme for gears of war would have fit just right with the cover system or screw the cover system and go with a typical fps set up. Maybe they will do an update that will allow you to set each button. Anyways so far a great game. The weapons seem the same as other fps but with the axis speed is slowed a bit from normal fps with a small delay from first initiation of movement. I do though like how turning speeds up slightly when holding down. That doesn't really help with the point i'm trying to make about the controls just that makes it seem a slight more realistic. I agree with the review about the game story being forgettable but thats made up by game play.
Killzone 2 was hyped up to be Sony's Halo killer and with all this hype the genius minds at Guerilla had to make sure that Killzone 2 didn't disappoint. Now the question is, did it live up to the hype to be the Halo kill... Read Full Review
GAMEPLAY (8.5) - Killzone 2 plays like essentially any other first person shooter you might have previously played, especially the Call of Duty series. Killzone 2 requires you to make use of cover, while popping out to p... Read Full Review