This is what i waited 3 years for..Sigh : (

User Rating: 7.5 | Killzone 2 PS3
I have to say that the experiance was good but my over all reaction was..well blaa. I'v been waiting for a game that really shows off what next gen gaming is all about. I dident find it here with Killzone 2 .Im am really disapointed . I wasent impressed at all. The controls are plaged with issues . Its really hard to lkine up a head shot . Its a strugle and you wont get used to it . The controls litteraly feel like there 1 sec delay in them. I mean come on. 1 sec delay, how could they release a game thats been in production for 3 years and still have control issues.

The Graphics are good but compared to whats all ready out there i was expecting more. I found that the graphics looked like a crayon box filled with gray,brown, black and more gray puked all over the screen. Very blaa generic graphics and colours. There is nothing vibrant about this game at all. The lighting effects are good .

The main story has good acting in it but besides that i really walked away from this asking ..what happend.

Clearly there is a resetion and i can see that the game industry is desprately trying to sale magazine and bump there hits on website , i know that this will effect game ratings but this game does not deserve anything higher then a 7.5.

My advice absolutly do not buy this game until you have played the Demo..Pls download the demo first !! this will let you better understand what im talking about.