Killzone 2 is a very fantastic fps that will set the tone for future shooters to come! IT IS A MUST BUY...PERIOD!

User Rating: 9 | Killzone 2 PS3
First of all, i was very skeptical going in to buy this game. I thought all of the hype was overdone and this game wasnt going to be as good as everyone was making it sound. However, let me tell you, i was wrong! THIS GAME IS SIMPLY AMAZING! If you have a PS3, then this title is a must have!

Graphics: 10/10

Even though this game only displays up to 1080i, it has some of the best graphics that i have ever seen in any video game. The opening scene is really amazing. My jaw was dropped the whole time. Next to MGS4, this game has the best graphics of any video game title.

Story: 9/10

The story is pretty good, although it can be developed a bit better. Also, for those of you wondering if you had to have played the previous Killzones, dont worry. Nothing is confusing about the story, Go ahead and buy this game if this is one of your worries.

Controls: 10/10

At first, i thought the controls were very hard to get used to since i had been playing CoD a lot. But, the longer you play, the more you will get the feel for the controls and they will become enjoyable. I was gonna change the controls to a "CoD type of setting" but i found that i didnt need to after playing the first few levels of the campaign.

Weapon Selection: 10/10

Overall, just a great weapon selection. The weapons have a very life-like feel to them and arent too over powerful. From snipers to flamethrowers, to your standard battle rifle, you wont be disappointed here.

Multiplayer/Online: 10/10

Killzone 2 is simply amazing in this category. This game is worth the buy for the online alone. There is full clan support and messaging. You can also take the battle offline and play against bots. Online has a very good ranking system similar to that of the CoD games. The game modes are very fun, and the maps are really nicely laid out. This game has the best online mode of any titles, right up next to the CoD games.

Overall, Killzone 2 is just an amazing game! If you have a PS3, then you have to get this game. The online play, the amazing graphics, and the fantastic campaign will supply hours of fun to you. GET THIS GAME!!! :P