Wow. Just Wow. Best thing I ever spent 67 dollars on.

User Rating: 9.5 | Killzone 2 PS3
Holy Crap. If your wondering if its all it said it would be, yes. Yes it is.

The graphics will immediately make your jaw drop. From the intro cutscene to the thick of battle everything looks completely beautiful and real. Especially the character design and and animations. Your squad mates and everybody else literally looks real, and what adds to this is that all animations are fluid and real. The frame rate holds up, never letting down at any point.
Sound wise everything sounds real and vibrant, I wish I had a surround sound system to experience the games full potential.

There is no shortage of action in multiplayer, everything is run-in-gun but with an objective twist that gives you something more to do than just kill. Assassination, search and destroy, capture and hold, and the list goes on. And there's so many ribbons and medals you'll be 80 years old before you get all of them. And you can even play your own music in multiplayer!

Gameplay is solid, controls are good, and there are many options for layouts to best fit your needs. Some complain about input lag or delay. Don't worry, its very slight, and done on purpose to give it a realistic feel.

The one thing I will nitpick about is game delays. At checkpoints the game will temporarily freeze while saving, and it gets annoying at times. Rest assured it never happens during a firefight or cutscene, and at that expense there is no mandatory install.

If you have a PS3, get this game and be prepared to be wowed by a trully awesome game that will go down in history as the best FPS ever!!