Total masterpiece best FPS this generation

User Rating: 10 | Killzone 2 PS3
First off lets talk about the so called laggy slow controls? These complaints are just from either xbots who are trying there hardest to find something they can use against killzone 2 and because the game is near flawles they are down to the controls or it's people complaining who are call of duty nazi's, And this game just isnt Call of duty in anyway, Killzone is a slower more tactical game, Where you cant go on some rambo killing spree!! You have to work as a team and get your timing right, Killzone 2 controls like killzone 2 which is great and shouldnt be changed.

Graphics well, Best there has ever been on a console by far and even has a more WOW factor than crysis

Story - The story is great depending if you were a fan of number 1 or not The stuff that goes down really sets it up well to make you want to kill the helghast

Gameplay - The best cover system in a FPS which im sure will be used and copied in other future games coming out, it just works great and adds to the immersion of the game, The great thing about the gameplay is it really is it's own style, Killzone 2 is killzone 2 and it's full of win

Online - Online rocks, good ranking system and the different classes/badges or full of win just like the rest of the game

So is killzone 2 a halo killer? in sales probably not? But as a game just forget about it because killzone 2 didnt just pass halo it rasied the bar so high Halo doesnt even compare, There is no such thing as a halo killer anymore When a FPS comes out from now on it has to be > is it a killzone 2 killer and thats not going to happen for a long time

If you have a ps3 and dont have killzone 2 then shame on you, go out and get the best FPS this generation maybe of all time.