User Rating: 6.5 | Killzone 2 PS3
Hello im back after a long leave of absence (Lost Planet) damn near forgot i ever even used Well regardless, apperentaly im starting to have an opinion again and this time its about Killzone 2.
Now its funny i mentioned LP cze it happens 2 be the only Third Person shooter on the PS3 other than MGS4, but thats more of a movie than a game & MGO sux, i happen to have a real problem w 1st person view, weather it be that i feel like im trapped in a box, or the character gets stuck on some little tiny piece of nothing so you cant strafe or back away from a grenade, or i get headaches/dry eyes (bloodshot in the case of Resistance 2), anyway id much rather see my character. & when nothing else is out 4 PS3 im forced 2 try these games. I'll split this review up into 2 sections Single & Multiplayer.
Single player.
Enjoyed the Trophies in this game , challenging but fun to strive for. The music and voice acting was also very well done. & the graphics were beyond anything i ever wanted. The story i thought 2b somewhat bland and probably a rip off. Gameplay was off and on for me squad based gameplay pisses me off (good thing it lets me revive 'em cuze i pistol wipe crazy if u steal my kill). theres more but i wanna start complaining about multiplayer now.
Ok u want to win almost everytime camp, hide, snipe. Granted u'll need to use some natural gaming instant,but basically thats all u need to know. The radar really sux its too streched out first of all, & my dot wont show on ur radar if im on a diffrent elevation than u, so in other words i couldc be right next to u standing 1 step above u on a staircase or ramp & my dot wont show on ur radar and there are way too many ramps & staircases & i know not to rely on my radar, but its its a very simple way to catch ppl off guard espically if they have been running around the map forever lookin 4 something to shoot at (most of the maps r very complex). Played some matches this very morning, clicked on join matchmaking where it says right there "only players of same rank" ended up getting killed by ppl w much higher ranks than me using weapons like snipper rifle and rpg and flying bots that i dont have yet.
KZ2 online either boring (when matchmaking works) or unfair.