A game that was great, yet should of and could have been so much more...
The story of Killzone 2 was a story that lacked so much substance, being very minimal to give just enough reason as to why you're on what level and what your next overall goal is. At no point in the game does the story compel you to really drive forward to fight out what's next. Which is a shame as the game could have been a lot more if it had been longer, with more events and more emphasis on character building. A prime example of this would be Scolar Visari, a game character who genuinely seemed interesting with his charisma and passion for his dream. I considered this a great shame as he and Mael Radec could have been great, if not the greatest villains in a game if they had been worked on properly.
Even though this has no real connection to the story, I have to say it, Rico, your comrade, is the most irritating soldier in any game to work with, with his temper. A good few times I felt like I should be able to shoot him instead of the Helghast, moving on though...
The game play is rather spectacular, the atmosphere in the levels are usually intense and chaotic, unlike usual shooters where everything seemed spaced out. The close level designs also make for a claustrophobic feeling, as if being stuck in a small room with the Helghast, which makes the action all the more frantic as you stick your head up over cover to be greeted to the sight of six pairs of Red Eyes.
This isn't a game where you can run up to the pack of Helghast and expect to spray them all to death. The reality is you'll get half way and be riddled with bullets and have your screen go grey. Cover is essential in the game, especially for those players whom feel up for the challenge of Veteran or even the impossible Elite.
Most of the opening levels are undoubtedly going to be your favourite as they are much more fun and hectic compared to the emptier more open spaced levels that follow later on. Though the end levels bring back the chaos and frantic dashing to cover, players will be undoubtedly become frustrated by them as they pit you in unbelievably unrealistic situations that you will, and I promise you this, die, MANY times, causing unbelievable frustration.
One thing about the ending levels, though one part seems fitting, the very end seems anti climatic, stuck in a room pitted against the hordes of the Helghast. It's as if Guerrilla thought they couldn't top earlier levels so just thought hellish action would somehow suffice; it doesn't, it leaves you wanting and wondering why they couldn't have ended the game on a more grand note. Though I could explain the ending and why it's so hmmmm, I won't give anything away.
One point I want to point out is the loss of secondary fire on guns, a great shame to say the least, one I hope that returns in future instalments as they'd make for more action in levels. Not only having to worry about the machine gun or the knife, but the secondary shotgun fire, makes for really thing about what your course of action should be.
The graphics, in my opinion, as graphics are subjective, has been vastly over rated by reviewers, I booted it up, expecting graphics only Gods' could pull from their pockets. Instead what I saw was indeed great looking, but hardly eye candy, though I guess it's not supposed to be. Helghan is dark, it's grim and the colour, or lack of, really demonstrates this
Though there is no denying it's a great looking game, something satisfies the innate human Aggression Feeling as Helghan bodies flail about as you blast them and their blood splatters over the screen.
I feel I have to mention the AI, the enemy AI is indeed nigh on flawless in my experience, always looking for a way to flank you. Very often you'll encounter groups that will suppress you with automated fire and as you hide in cover, here the ticking of a grenade coming your way to flush you out. The Helghast are very cunning, don't expect them to be kind and wait for you to poke your head out, they'll come to you with their knives when you least expect it and knife you, hello grey screen. I should also just mention I've witnessed the Helghast wave at my dead body, thought it was a funny quirk.
Your Comrades AI however, leaves something to be desired, many times I saw my comrade with their backs to the enemy, just letting them stand there, not reacting as they shot me dead; the result of this after the umpteenth time ended with after the reload, shooting my team mate in a frenzy for his inability to do his job, anyway.
I can't say much about the multiplayer as of yet, going to play it soon, online I mean. So I'll edit this again later.
Skirmish mode however, is fun with bots yet slightly annoying you can't adjust the options for how long the match goes on for, an issue hopefully that will be patched.
Though I do feel, though it may go unnoticed by others that developers are beginning to discriminate against those who perhaps don't want to take the fight online to unlock all the weapons and badges and just want to play alone. A crazy concept I know. Hell, most have access to the internet nowadays, but that doesn't mean developers should begin to shun the lone player. Even the trophies have to do this, but anyway.
Also, just to address the issue with some, certain people whom moan about the controls, the controls are not that bad and on Options, under Controls, set the Controls to Alternate 2 and you're back to a lay out 95% similar to most other shooters, so problem solved.
Overall, Killzone 2, after the years of wait is a good game for action and pace, it makes for a good addition to the PS3 though is nothing ground breaking. It's a shame the experience didn't last too long, took me 6 hours to complete on Veteran but the action is ferocious and hectic enough to keep players coming back for a few more times. The skirmish mode alone is great gaming with its different style of modes being compressed into one match. However, the story is lacking and some parts of it rather frustrating, but on the whole, the game shines through as a great testament of a power house shooter.
My final word is that for a game that took so many years, most was just polish clearly as the game lacks great length or story, so hopefully in the Killzone 3 game that will inevitably come, Guerrilla should focus less on the polish and graphics and more on the story and game play and they'd be looking at a grand game. So a great game, but there's room for improvement in this ambitious title