You don't have to deny it any longer, Killzone 2 is without a doubt, the best game ever made in the history of gaming.
Well, let's start with explosions, I recorded the explosions on my DvR, because they're SO good, that I keep replaying them, that's how amazing the explosions look in this game, it kept me entertained for 36 hours, watching them, now imagine the REST of the game? How amazing it would be?
To put it bluntly, Killzone 2 will keep you entertained for eternity, I have not stopped playing it since I have gotten it, literally, I'm playing it right now, I play it in my sleep, I play it while I eat, I play it while I'm in the bathroom. I play it everywhere, God help me if something happens to my copy of Killzone 2.
I really don't know how I was gaming before this game came out, the gameplay is beyond what your mind can comprehend. The multiplayer is a blast, it's so greatly put together, how it has all the modes put together at once, and the game also still looks amazing during the multiplayer. The graphics are the best, ever. Period. When I saw the graphics in this game, I blew a load in my pants, literally, I had to change right away, while still playing the game of course :).
The gunplay feels really good, everytime you gun someone down it feels so satisfying, it's almost like when you're starving, and you have your favorite thing to eat, and you feel it going down into your stomach and you're all like "MMM DAT WUZ GUUUUUUUD". That's what EVERY kill feels like.
The single player has the greatest story in history. Not in gaming, but best story ever made up. I've never been so sucked in by characters, and the way it interacts with the mission, my personal favorite is when it starts off on the boat that's rocking back and forth with your comrades on it, a very cool intro!
Killzone 2 brings in what matters most in a game: Hype, graphics, and hype. It makes Killzone 2 is the greatest masterpiece ever made by humankind, or maybe... It wasn't made by humans at all... That is the question.
It's easily the reason why the PS3 is now the greatest console in history, because it has the greatest game in history.
It's totally worth your money and beyond, it's so good, it's a sin.