If you buy this game get strapped in and prepare for a spectacular experience that will blow you away!

User Rating: 10 | Killzone 2 PS3
Every aspect of this game is awesome the graphics are spectacular, the story line it magnifiecent and best of all the online experience is unmatched.

Im guessing you all can name about 50 games that have cutscenes that have really good graphics. Well in KZ2 you can barely tell the difference between the cutscenes and the actual gameplay. If you think im bragging then get the game or the demo off PSN and see for yourselves.

Now for the online. The graphics do not change at all online. Its pretty awesome because nothing changes really its the same experience that youd see in the campaign but 50 times more the killing. Im only a Lieutenant-Colonel but ive played it enough to know that this game is one of the best sci-fi shooters of all time.

I meen wat more can u ask for it has stunning visuals, a great storyline and an highly addictive online. If ur a first person shooter fan this is one game that u do not want to miss out on.