Killzone 2 review, is it worth it?

User Rating: 9 | Killzone 2 PS3
Killzone 2 is not for everybody, in the sense of the sentence, that it is NOT a call of duty, it is not a steriotypical type of shooter. . . It is a bit of call of duty and nothing more! But that is it really "bit of" it has a lot of "bits of" other games, and it doesnt bring much new to the first person shooter genre! (gameplay wise)

The bits it has from other games are fantastic!!!
It only takes the good parts, like the excellent cover system from gears of war ( a little different though) , some weapons allow a "aim down sight view"(Call of duty) which immerses you more in the game and the graphics are on a level of its own, but onto that later...

The gameplay isn't as fast paced as call of duty, but that is because it is NOT call of duty, and it doesnt even try to be call of duty (thank god) because it may copy(not steal) bits from other games, but it doesnt just copy it, it improves upon the sturdy foundation set by other games!

The gameplay itself though isnt a fast game . . . it is actually quite slow thanks to the weight system (best appreciated with a projector or 37+ inch tv) but this immerses you much, much, but for many others who are obsessed with call of duty (just a example) will find it a huge nuisance...
What the weight system does is make the aiming and movement slower, and more rugged, making it a slower experiance in total, but while making you slower, it does not make you feel like a impossible-to-defeat titan, it makes you feel like a pawn in the long and brutal game of war!

The difficulty of the game is brutal (on expert or hard) if you are used to running and gunning because as mentioned before, it is a slow game . . . You have a cover system which you will NEED to use, otherwise it will be goodnight to your character (sev)...

What deserves a special mention is multiplayer!!!
The multiplayer is fantastic . . . enough said, it beats call of duty in every way (apart from length) and it is truly fantastic Class-based combat with special abilities just combines so well and will have you hooked for weeks!

Finally is the story.
It does not deserve a special mention because it is average stuff, average BORING stuff... the only bits which i watched was when people died (its a shooter, there is death) so average rubbish to be honest (would have said ****)

Graphics ( i forgot about this)
Spectacular, You will have seen screenshots by now, so no need to go in depth but it is on a level of its own!

multiplayer = 10
singleplayer = 10
replay value = 9

A fantastic game which warrants your purchase so...

add me on Assassin_Naruto on ps3 and tell me if you liked the review!!!