I hate FPS's. I still bought this though after a few friends forced me to. It's better than I thought it would be.
This is a FPS first and foremost. If you hate the genre like I do then I think you should stay away. If you love them, then this is probably the best FPS out there right now. I bought it simply for the graphics and the hype. I must admit the graphics at times make me think I'm watching a CG movie (such a waste that lip synching is TERRIBLE!!).
+ Graphics are awesome
+ The controls are tight
+ The world created is gritty and believable
+ The handgun is SUCH an amazing weapon
+ The enemy AI is smart....to a limit
+ Multiplayer is well populated
+ Custom soundtracks during multiplayer
+ Sound during single player is awesome
- It's a FPS (I WISH this game was 3rd person like MGO)
- There is no background music in multiplayer
- Controls eliminate the "weight" of your character in multiplayer
- There is very little strategy in multiplayer
- Single player was quite short
- Your team mates in single player can become irritating
Only buy this if you have played and enjoyed other FPS's. If you haven't then rent or play it around a friends place.