Take all your favorite shooting games, put it in a blender, add strawberries, multiply that by 100 and your close to KZ2

User Rating: 9.5 | Killzone 2 PS3
If you've played the poop out of Call of Duty and your searching for another action packed single-player expierence as well as an addicting dedicated multiplayer mode this is the game for you. Heck if you enjoy shooters you'd simply be out of your mind to not get this game. Yes it doesn't add anything new to an old and tried formula, but it has perfected it. The controls are tight, the graphics as you should know are unlike anything on a console, and the sound effects are as effective as they are memorable.
The controls had me skeptical in the beginning, but after 20-30 minutes or so, I had mastered it. And mastering Killzone 2's control scheme is rewarding on it's own.
The Graphics speak for themselves, and it doesn't sacrifice good looks for slow down, I never hit framerate issues once and of course online will always encounter the occasional lag/connection problem.
The sound F/x are simply bad@$$. You'll never forget the sound of those darn grenades, nor the sound of a medic healing you. Single player is jam packed with rampant assualt rifles, rocket launchers, flame throwers, grenade launchers, it all sounds good.
Killzone 2 is like a rare gem of a summer blockbuster film, it has high production values, a big budget, and it packs a huge whallop of an entertaining punch. People that are FPS fans and have a PS3 (or dont) and are dismissing this game for some strange reason, simply need to jump off a building.