great single player, even better multiplayer
User Rating: 10 | Killzone 2 PS3
I picked this game up on release day, having played the original on the ps2 and the psp game, since the first game was a bit of a let down i was being very wary about the sequel, when i first played it i was absolutley blown away at the sight of the graphics, and this is coming from someone who plays Crysis on high! the single player has some very stand out moment and is very gripping, but its the multiplayer where the action is at. you have to gradually unlock different abilities and rank, here are what you will unlock; medic, tactition, assault, scout, saboutur and theres one more i think but cant remember it. its just one of those game that you cant stop playing.
Game: 10/10
Sound: 10/10
Graphics: 10/10
Gameplay: 9.5:10
Singleplayer: 10/10
Multiplayer: 10/10
OVERALL: 10/10
Well worth the buy