This game can keep you in your mom's basement for more than 5 years!
The lack of communication kind of pissed me off at times because in your trying to talk to your bud as some little kid in the backround is singing the national anthem or some hip-hop song. Very annoying and very stupid. What these guys need to do, is turn off their mics, quit the game and play with the voice changer for a few hours and then join a Killzone 2 game and be serious. What the makers need to do is make it so that only 1 person can talk at a time, and also not hold the mic for a long period of time. Some players have their mics set to 3-5 and it's just overpowering. Seriously, turn it down to 1 or 2, and turn off your stupid high pitch voice thinger. It's getting old ever since day 1.
Killzone 2 doesn't lack of too much, (Except inmature players screaming into their mics at the top of their lungs) Great visuals, 10/10. Great gameplay and fun 10/10 and great story line 9/10 (Even though I didn't enjoy it I understood it all and was able to do what I wanted to). Something Killzone 2 lacks is the communication of your team mates during Campaign. Their always in the way, they have horibble aim and they rely on you to do absolutly everything. "Shoot it's head and then it's back and I'll stand here and cheer you on." "Drive the tank thinger and kill them all as I eat this cookie and cheer you on." Piss off team, go die, and move your ass out of my way!
Killzone 2 is a great game, I highly recommend you pick this on up and skip the campaign. Even though when you play, your bound to get your ass kicked, think on the bright side. Was it worth the $60? Was it worth the drive there? Was it worth getting your ass kicked by people that haven't seen the sun in over 17 years? Screw them. You only play people that are the same skill lvl as you. DO NOT JOIN A GAME WITH ANY RANK WHEN YOU ARE LEVEL 1!!! The only mistake you'll make if you pick up this game.