This is (as promised) a cutting-edge game. Graphics are unseen on any platform and the action is surprisingly realistic. The single player version is simply GREAT! the promises made a couple of years ago at the E3 Convention were 100% met. Of course when you buy a game like killzone you expect to spend +100 hours online afterwards. That's where the catch is. the online plaftorm has the exact beautiful graphics as the single player version, but unfortunately too much players per m². This results in fights that don't last more than 10-20 seconds before you're killed, not my kind of online experience. Anyway, i'm looking forward to Killzone III. I'm sure that with the headstart this designer team has, there will be some great games to come.
In short: revolutionary game, a shame of the missed online opportunities.
Killzone 2 was hyped up to be Sony's Halo killer and with all this hype the genius minds at Guerilla had to make sure that Killzone 2 didn't disappoint. Now the question is, did it live up to the hype to be the Halo kill... Read Full Review
GAMEPLAY (8.5) - Killzone 2 plays like essentially any other first person shooter you might have previously played, especially the Call of Duty series. Killzone 2 requires you to make use of cover, while popping out to p... Read Full Review