Killzone 2 has a pretty short campaign, but makes up for that with amazing graphics and an active and fun online mode.

User Rating: 9.5 | Killzone 2 PS3
Killzone 2 has a great story, a fun campaing mode, and probably the best graphics I've ever seen in a video game. But the part that most people shold be excited about is the online. The online has many different features, maps, classes, and weapons. The game's online is perfect, but falls a little less than a perfect FPS because of its short campaign. Although it only has 9 levels, this game still makes one of my favorite FPS's of all-time. The story has a great story and really depicts each character's personalities and battle abilities. But as I said before, online is where all the fun happens.

In Warzone (online), you can make squads during battles. Squads allow you to keep in touch with three (max.) different people. And if you die and you're squad leader is still alive, you can respawn right next to them. That will really come in handy if he is about to be killed. You could save his life.

And all the different classes you can unlock are cool, too. I have only unlocked two new ones, though (Medic and Engineer). With the medic class, you can revive your fallen teammates, but you're only allowed to use assault rifles. So that means no shotguns, snipers, rocket launchers, or heavy machine guns. And when you're an engineer, you can place turrets to shoot any enemy that walks by it. But that turret can be destroyed any time by an enemy that shoots at it enough or throws enough greandes at it. And the only weapon you can use as an engineer is a shotgun. So it's best to be an engineer in small levels.

This game is probably the best FPS for the PS3. And even if you aren't a fan of shooters, you should still get this game. There's a large chance that you will love it.