It's a beautiful looking game, but still, flawed.

User Rating: 8 | Killzone 2 PS3
After killing like 2000 Helgast, I finally come into a conclusion: Killzone 2 is a beautiful game, but the more I play it, the more I feel it is not something I was expected.
First of all, the graphics are stunning for a console game. There are some minor stuff still fade in a radius of 3 meter, but in generally, the HDR, the shadows, the textures were great. I especially love the shadow of Sev as most of the FPS doesn't show your own shadow, but this game does, and it feels real. However, some people might feel the graphic a little dull as most of time you were in some doomed ally, streets or whatever structures there were, there were seldom change of environment. To me, consider Helgan is a desert hellish like place, I have no problem with the environment, they were great.
The sound tracks are way too loud, but not saying they were bad. The soundtracks fit into the game, and it gives the sense of greatness especially for the main menu and ending theme. The gameplay resemble similarities to some of the popular FPS. You can jump but anyway, the characters and Enemies were well animated, the control feels responsive and they feel heavy, unlike in some games running feels like sliding across the ground. it is not that important, and you can hide behind cover, but the tactic you can employ in this game is limited and due to lack of realism, there is little or none strategy needed to achieve the goal. This game also one of those introduced spawning system , although the spawn points are carefully hidden so they don't look like spawn out from nowhere, but regardless, the fact is enemies spawn out from nowhere. So you constantly fighting with limitless troops. You have quite a lot of weapon to choose form and the game even gives you chance to rider on vehicles or robots to fight the Helgast. Those levels with Tank and robots are great fun.
The AI….I can't really call them AI as form what I observe, the enemy behavior are just some scripted action which will be randomly performed. When encounter you, they will either charge at you when they near you, or depends on their preference of melee combat (some troops love to smash you with rifle butte or knife you for whatever reason unknown to me). Or they will also hide behind cover, shoot you, and then they retreat, rolling around and then pop out and shoot you again. They have incredible accuracy, even while running. They will shoot at you, battle cry, but in generally they don't show very high intelligence. They took quite a lot of bullets to kill if you don't hit the head, even if you headshot them the helmet will fly off, and then you can kill them.
So..that's about it…I killed like 1200 Helgast, and the last level is a **** to beat. I enjoyed the game, but a lot of things don't make sense. Gaza was shot so many times during the game, and yet he just "Man I'm hit", while during the refinery level he got shot like twice, then he died.(No offence, I like him very much, but the story just makes no sense coz he can take so much bullets in the actual game). Redec suppose to be one of the best commanders, but I killed 1200+ Helgasts the first time I beat the game. Yeah…..Good commander….Buttom line, this is a good FPS, but not as great as what it hyped up to be. FPS are getting more realistic in terms of graphic, physics and gameplay, you can't just deliver a beautiful looking game but gameplay wise feels so unreal and unnatural.