Killzone your face!

User Rating: 9 | Killzone 2 PS3
Gamers love Shooters. Especially well done shooters. Especially well done shooters that involve space marines. Interestingly enough, Killzone 2 includes all of this.

Now I know what you're going to say...oh look, another shooter with high tech weaponry and space marines out to save the world from an alien race. I've seen that a million times...and you know what...I'll buy this one too.

Damn right you will.

The thing about Killzone 2 is, while still a cliche''s a really REALLY well done cliche' shooter. Everything about the damn game is polished. The characters look great, the environments are out of control, the sound is impeccable, the enemies is smart, and the effects are fantastic. Even the friggin UI is interesting and well thought out. It was so danged pretty that I pissed in my pants. And I just sat in my pee pants all day playing it.

Now, it must be said, that while they are space marines, the weapons are pretty close to reality. I don't remember seeing a lot of laser beams or force fields. Mostly just projectiles flying by my head all day from really cool looking bad guys with glowing red eyes chasing at me, screaming that I've done something so wrong that they were going to kill me....just like dear old dad used to do.

If you want to know the story, I can honestly say I don't even remember. There are bad guys to kill...what more do you need to know? You're not a politician or historian in this're a dude what kills other dudes. Stop thinking.

So there's my review. It's cool. It's loud. It's immersive. It's cliche'. It's fun. Buy it and stop complaining. Just put your money into the shooter piggy bank and deal with the fact that you are programmed to do so.