Am Killzone big fan but this one really disappointed to me am angry

User Rating: 8.5 | Killzone 3 PS3
hello all viktans
well am 5 years fan of killzone i have everything about killzone.
i didnt sleep 20 and 21 feb waiting for the game.
well about the story its no more war like 2 the game is about servive while your cruiser has been destroyd at the end, after visaris death the war is over so all ISA has to leave helghan. but your squad dosent has the luck to leave the planet after the cruiser been destroyed, so i like the stroy its not bad but there is alot alot mistakes, like when you choose the level its only words there is no pictures of the level where you wanna play, i cant say about the ending but the cut scene is very quick and short and thats big mistake, what i mean for example at the end of the level you can see rico and sev front of the tank talking, and very quick the next level has been started inside the tank without showing you when they go inside the tank, and that mean that the cut scene is very very short and quick, same mistake for example in transformers 2, at the border is egypt they drive 5 minutes to petra jordan to the DER temple, you need only helicopter to get there and more then 3 hours driving to get close, here in killzone 3 the enviroment change in 2 second in jungle to snow, snow to disert 3 second.
in a cut scene i was playing with helghast rifle but the cut scene sev was isa rifle.???
multiplayer for me is horrible. its words words words.
there is no characters pictures to choose them even ISA or Helghast you cant choose which team to play.
about the weapons is the same thing no pictures to choose the weapon. same with maps... well while sorry about all this but when i was playing killzone 2 i wasn imagining killzone 3 multiplayer with big portrait character choose. and here no picture.
the gameplay is cool and great after all this critic killzone 3 is alot better the all call of duty. that is very imporant massage.
the trophy in killzone 3 is extreme easy.
except 2 trophys.