Taking down a 'massive' mobile base ,cutting through an arms facility in a jet pack. It dosent get better than this
The first thing ull notice when u play killzone3 is that the 'weighty' controls have been tweaked and its now more responsive. Or u could say ' cod friendly ' ,which is a good thing. Playing the campaign is a blast, the the levels are more varied , there are more vehicular segments (and ofcourse the jetpack) which are fun to play and this time theres a broader colour pallete beign used. If u played killzone2 the slums and corridors of phyrrus always had the rather 'rusty' feeling of beign brown all the time. This time u have levels in a junkyard, a jungle, and a space station. And the enemy ai is one of the best in video games after maybe FEAR but fighting the helghast gives u the feeling that you are actually fighting a formidable foe rather than someone whos begging to be shot. They take cover frequently , they try to flank you , if equipped with shotguns they rush at you and they throw grenades accurately and hurt you where it hurts most. So if youre thinking of palying this game like call of duty your sadly mistaken.
Now the story. Many journalists (incl gamespot) have criticized the game for its story. This just inst fair. The story is actually pretty good. This is a game based on an extrasolar war. You cant expect a story of hope, love and betrayal here. In fact GG actually potrays the influence of visari's death on the helghan pretty nicely. The conflict between a helgan commander and an industrialist's rise to power. Guirella Games sheds more light on the helghan this time, showing how their commanders strategize to eliminate the retreating isa forces i nteh form of cutscenes which are rather interesting to watch (but gamespot dosent think so). The ending seems to be rushed but it there is short post credit cutscene which hints at a sequel.
Now finally my favourite part , the multiplayer. This is the best thing about killzone3. If u have played killzone3 and havent played the multiplayer, you are missing the best thing about the game just as it was in killzone2.
If you have played killzone2 ull notice that the class ladder has been changed completely. The overpowered assault class has been removed and i approve that. Now u have the engineer, tactician, infiltrator, marksman and the field medic. All of these clases are available to you when you start playing the game but in killzone3 you have earn xp in the multiplayer and unlock their weapons and equipment to fully utilize their potential. The multiplayer is smooth and the lag is soo infrequent that u can overlook it. Apart from uncloking your class's weapons and equipment the games also rewards you more xp wheneveru earn a 'medal' for instance u earn a medic's bronze medal for reviving 10 people in an online game. Earning medals helps boost your rank on the leaderboards so u'll want to earn them.
Also the maps are perfectly balanced .As in vantage points, spawn areas, turret postitions and that sort. Even if arent into competitive gaming i suggest u give killzone3 a shot. Its simply ' that damn good'.
Killzone 3 is one of the best shooters out there, even comparable to the top tier shooters like halo and call of duty (or perhaps better). Anyway my final verdict for this game ...... BUY IT!!!.