If you like shooters and have a PS3 and don't have this game....you are doing it wrong!!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Killzone 3 PS3
Let me start off by saying that this game is a blast to play. It is the best Sci-fi FPS on the market and is just plain fun to play. From being stock full of features with co-op, move support, 3D, online multiplayer with diverse maps and game modes, and an action packed single player campaign; you can't go wrong with this title.

Graphics: It's Killzone 3 people....this should answer itself 10/10

Sound: The sound in the game is fantastic. From grenades going off behind you and bullets flying by your head, you will hear every sound in the Killzone universe. I should mention I have played in 5.1 so I don't know how plain TV speakers would sound.

Controls: I love the feel of Killzone. When you play you actually feel like your character has mass and interacts with the world. You can feel each step. Movement doesn't feel cheap like in arcade shooters such as COD where you glide everywhere. Aiming is also very well done with options to allow customization and fine-tuning for each individual player.

Move Support: I played the entire single player with the Move and the sharpshooter. It is the most fun I have ever had with a FPS before. It took about 45 minutes to get the calibration settings to where I liked them, but the accuracy is amazing.

Single Player: I honestly don't see why this has been knocked by so many reviewers. I thought it was one of the better done FPS stories I have played in a very long time. It isn't a masterpiece but it doesn't detract at all from the game and the voice acting is very well done. I am glad that the cut scenes were added. It made me feel like I was part of something larger than just shooting stuff like in Gears, COD, and Killzone 2. I also want to note that you will see many stunning diverse environments from Helghan cities to forests to arctic wastelands. There is so much detail that you find yourself stopping just to look around.

Multiplayer: Killzone multiplayer isn't for everyone, which you will know if you ever tried K2. If you are in love with COD arcade type play you may not adjust very quickly to Killzone gameplay. It requires teamwork and communication to win. There is no personal goals to get the best K:D ratio, each round is a team effort and if you don't play as a team you will lose. There are 3 main game modes: Warzone, Guerilla Warfare, and Operations.
Warzone allows you to play a variety of game modes so that objectives are constantly changing and it never gets boring. Each mode adds to a counter of wins and losses and you play the best out of 7 I believe.
GW: basic team deathmatch
Operations: is a team based objective game where one team defends and another team attacks and tries to push the enemy back. This mode has cool cutscenes in it that places the best players from each team in them.

New Mechs: In single player and multiplayer you will find new vehicles. We have jet packs and walking mech machines in online play. In single player we have both of these along with tanks and other road/ice vehicles.

Overall this game is a great value for 60 dollars and I highly recommend it if you like shooters. It truly brings the feeling of war to the living room unlike other games on the market.