One of the Must Have Game on the PSP

User Rating: 9 | Killzone: Liberation PSP
Killzone Liberation is a game that all psp owners must have. This tactical shooter combines strategy with first person shooter and with all the different weapons and items that are available in the game, it makes the game simply a must have.

Starting with the game story. The story mode, not to spoil it too much, is a typical military operative concept where it is simply search, capture and destroy. The AI is simply amazing because they can pose a huge threat and make the game fun and exciting.

The gameplay is nonethless amazing. With the different types of weapons, grenades, and even vehicles, the game is fun in many different levels. What could make the game better though is if there are more vehicle options and say...steal the vehicles from the enemy, make the enviroment more interactive and also take the fight into the air if there are helicopters that can be driven etc. The thing is, the game is so fun but i think the developer can improve it by simply adding more to the game. Also the multiplayer would be so much better if there can be comps and AI added to be the opponents so say a player can cooperate with others to fight computers. This is an addition that could make the game a lot more attratice and exciting.

Though my review focuses on what the game should improve on, it does not neglect the fact that this game is worth the money and definintly is worth the time. So if you are looking for a tactical shooter and action/adventure game, killzone:Liberation is definitly the game to get.