A game where its difficulty mars its otherwise good and satisfying game play.
User Rating: 7.7 | Killzone: Liberation PSP
When I first started reading reviews for Killzone: Liberation I was very excited and almost bought the game outright. However, I have had some bad experiences doing that, so I drove on down to good old Blockbuster and rented it. I must admit this is a superb game, yet its difficulty gets in the way of the otherwise excellent game play. It takes a while to get into and at times had me throw down my precious PSP and just take a breather. I personally loved the whole interplanetary war thing and like the Killzone franchise, however I do not think this game deserves all the hype it has gotten. I wanted to like it and in the most part did, but the game's flat out difficulty made it hard to truly enjoy. Rent it, as Killzone: Liberation is an acquired taste.